I'm a tad behind on my blogging.....but weeks ago Tamie and I made plans with an old sorority/SIU friend, Gail. Tamie and I have remained close over the years I was in her wedding and she has told me time and time again she will be in mine, LOL! Don't worry you will be :-) both of us had not seen Gail in FOREVER but thanks to the modern technology of Facebook we were reconnected! Now back in the day Gail, Tamie, Jessica and I were like peas and carrots in good ol' 1997. We met in our pledge class and Tamie, Jessica and I lived in the Thompson Point dorms while the rest of the pledge class lived in the ghetto towers on the other side of campus. The four of us were ALWAYS TOGETHER. All three of them were older than me, Gail being the oldest. At the time she was 21 but I was 18 so back in the day that seemed to me like she was like 30! I mean for crying out loud she could drink without a fake id, I felt like I'd never turn 21. We laughed about this over dinner since we're all so much older now and realize a 21 year old is like a child in diapers to us now.
We met at J. Alexanders in Oak Brook and closed the place down! It was sooooo good to catch up and we made a vow to not let another seven or so years go by before we saw eachother again!

Gail, Tamie and Jenna in 2009
Jenna, Tamie and Gail in 1997/1998

and JessieK, Gail and Jenna in 1997/1998. Excuse the cut up photos and ragged edges I took these from my scrapbook and for the life of me could not find a pic of the four of us! I couldn't believe it so these had to do.
These pictures are classic. Very good recap of the reunion evening Jenna.
SO FUNNY that you have dark brown lipstick on in 97...when ever???
You all look better now! :)
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