Well another one of Chris' friends is expecting! The Nosik's are pg!
Very exciting!!!

We don't see this wonderful couple too often, they go up north to their other house and spend a lot of time there on the weekends and everybody's just busy. But hopefully when it gets warmer out we will all get together! Chris has been friends with Mike and Kelly since ISU days!
Congrats again! I can't wait to hear all the details and if you're finding out if a boy or girl :-)
Seriously Jenna...don't do that! I was freaking out because I thought, by your title, that you meant YOU were expecting. The whole 20 seconds it took the page to load...I was like....WHAT???? I about had a heart attack at work. :)
OMG that is freaking hilarious, M!! I'm cracking up! hahaha! Jenna, good one!
Congrats to the expecting couple!!! How exciting!
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