Again, tad behind on the blogging! SuperBowl Sunday 2009 was held at our house, quite a turn out and I think I watched a total of 12 minutes of the game. I just CANNOT get into football. I want to, but I just can't. I have the same love/hate relationship with football that I have with reading. Want to but just can't get into it. Maybe some day for the football and reading we will have a relationship. If I have children who play football
maybe I'll get into it then, but I have told Chris our children will be playing soccer and tennis, he says the girls can the boys will not be playing either of those sports, we'll see.
Love this picture because everyone looks alien-esque :-)
Here's a pic of the girls in the kitchen ignoring the game for a bit.....
Very serious pool going for the big game!

A few weeks following the Superbowl we went with Sam + Lena to the bulls game. We had great seats! Two rows behind the people who get the cushy fold-out chairs courtside. Basketball I can get into because the rules and concept are a no-brainer unlike football (to me). But my favorite part of the game is the "kiss cam" :-)

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