Now for some unknown reason I was thinking all along that Chris' birthday was during the week when in fact it was on a Saturday. And the dumb-dumb I am without thinking our annual Sig Kap Christmas party/grab bag exchange we have every year was scheduled on the same day as his bday!? I had a chance to speak up and say I wasn't available that day when the emails exchanged about the xmas party date and they wanted to do Jan 3rd, I said "yep, I'm free that night!" without even thinking because like I said above I was under the impression his bday was during the week.
So I sent an email to his friends that birthday boy was available and ready to hang out (hoping they would since I would have to skip out on him to go to the xmas party, can't miss the girls party! I know, terrible....) We went to an early dinner and had some drinks at Devon Seafood Grill that was SOOOO good!!! We highly recommend this restaurant. It's new so it's nice, clean and modern!

Then I dropped him off at home the guys were drinking and playing poker there and I was off to Park Ridge to my party. I felt VERY guilty about leaving him on his bday but he assured me it was ok, even though the week before he was on the train and thought how terrible it was that I was leaving him high and dry but he got over that so he says. Very bad of me since last year on my birthday we were in Cabo and this year we'll be in Napa/Sonoma!!!!! I'll make it up to him next year :-)
But he did get a lot of great presents from me if I don't say so myself and a wonderful dinner and a full night (til 3.30am) of hanging with his friends and a low fat Arturo's burrito as a night cap.
The guys were out SUPER late but from what I heard it was like ol' times which I don't think they have done in awhile. It was def a throwback night to 2001-2004 when they all used to live together in the crackhouse and the beach house. Rest assured he informed me that they've all still "got it." Movin' a bit slower the next day than years previous but they can still do it, poor livers.
Here's a pic below of Chris' birthday circa 2004, six of the guys in the picture below were out with him this past Saturday - Friends to the End!
Funny part is below all of them have NO cares in the forward to 2009: 3 are married, 4 are engaged, 2 live with their girlfriends and 2 have babies on the way! My my how things have changed :-)

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