So as most know I am my mom's lil assistant/lil helper/slave as of late while I job search although I've kind of laid off on the search since in November alone over half a million jobs were lost! Thank goodness for Joann who is a realtor and can employ me and give me things to do until something else presents itself. I know what you're thinking, she's a realtor?? Oh that's a great job right now but ironically she's super busy and has so many listings her head may pop off! So it's the perfect time to have a "lil helper." Also what's better than a lil mother/daughter time - right? Except when she drives me crazy half the time but we get through it :-)

This week she gave me the wonderful task of putting the Christmas decorations up. Good thing I actually like/love doing this! I have attached a pic of my pretty tree, please note it's MUCH better in person. No red or green in the house,
only gold and creme. If anybody's looking for GREAT xmas decorations at great prices TJMaxx, Homegoods and Hobby Lobby are the places to be. I have ransacked all three stores and got some new stuff but I tell ya you can't beat the pricing there, no need to wait til after xmas sales at those three stores.
My dad is assisting so I don't plow the tree down putting the angel on
You'd think my parents were bloggers the way they had their cameras ready for both of these pics, my mom came sprinting over to grab a snapshot of me trying to not fall over.
Ohhh Yeah... Cheers to be our Mother's assistants!! Right there with ya. Even tho I'm full employed by Justin's co, my dad's co and my OWN biz... my mother seems to think she is my main employer even tho she doesn't cough of the Bucks! Oh Well, we do it because (shhh!) we LOVE them!!! :-)
Very impressive tree!! You need to come help decorate's lacking!!
And hey, no shame in the "lil helper" job...I mean, really, isn't the most flexible job you've ever had? I am actually very jealous!!!
The tree looks very pretty! Remember all the sick trees we had at Marshfield and Damen? Ha! You and Smalls should get one of your own! Thanks again for the Christmas card and CD!
Whatever where is my Christmas card & CD, Cogski!? Just checkin' in to see if you posted but disappointed as usual! I just got your Dec photo album and it looks as tho you have PLENTY to write about... getta writin' already!!! Merry Merry!! xoxo Nina
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