Wednesday night we all coordinated a dinner so that the three guys could get together to celebrate and congratulate Sam and Lena on their engagement! On top of that Chris and I have not seen Chad and Bridget since they got married in August!? Chris, Sam and Chad own their house in Chicago together but everybody's slowly jumping ship....Chad got married, Sam is engaged, hmmm wonder what is in store in the future for Cogski? :-)

Chris and I, Sam&Lena and Chad&Bridget met at Quarantino downtown for some dinner, wine and catching up! Chad and Bridget live in Schaumburg so we don't see them as often as we like but we'll all be in the burbs shortly so I know we'll all hang out more often very soon :-)

Next time we need to get together on a Friday or Saturday so we can really live it up with more than one jug of wine!