Anyway back to the game, the jist is I pick the 4th picture in my 4th picture folder, write about it, and then tag 4 people.
This is a pic of Sam, Ryan and Joe at the annual trip up to Monkey's parents cabin. Chris and all of his friends go up to the cabin a couple hours away usually at the beginning and the end of each summer. They have been doing this for a few years now and it always draws about 15-20 of them up there! They drink, reminisce, play cards, drink, golf, eat, reminisce, make fun of eachother, gamble, reminisce, drink, eat, do man things and god only knows what else. But Monkey's mom is usually up there so there is at least one female presence known to keep things under control.
This year they even had golf shirts made with a LOGO, yes that's right people...a logo. Each shirt was also embroidered with each guys' nickname. My lovely bf's nickname is "Fatface," I know what you're all thinking...lucky lady! :-)
I unfortunately don't have four other bloggers to tag so I'm going to break the chain once again.
Thanks for the tag Amy!
Great post as always! Love it!
Loving the more frequent posts! Very proud of you! :) I am gonna try and conquer this 4th of 4th...seems fun! I had no idea Chris's nickname was "fatface". Man, he has some good ones huh?! Speedo man, something with a goat?, and fatface...poor guy! haha!
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