I'd like to introduce to you one of my best friends and former Chicago roommate, Nina. Most of you reading the blog know her very well but some may not.....

She is the sole reason for the Cogski Blog as she is a blogger herself and with a lil encouragement and good points noted she talked me into starting a blog and I now love my blog! (Chris loves it too even though he'd never admit it to anyone but me, just trying to give a lil more fuel for his friends.)
I met Nina in the fall of 1999 when she rushed the sorority and she is what some may call an "old soul" (I am often branded with the same title). She cares about her friends, her family VERY much and is great at making sure everyone is comfortable, happy and content! She's a host-est with the most-est at heart but sure buzzes around with her many projects she has going. She's a short lil thing but moves quick! And for some unknown reason has a great lil bod for not seeing the light of a gym ever, but then again you should see her mother!
Nina secretly has Carrie Bradshaw living somewhere inside of her, you HAVE to check out her blog! You'll be hooked and find yourself still reading after an hour. Folks, she's got a lot of great posts, cute gift ideas and "MCO's" (aka "must check out's"). You can find her blog link on the left hand side of my blog under "Our Fav's" or you can go to
http://ninabucciarelli.blogspot.com/. Be sure to check in regularly, she's an addictive and witty lil writer!

I lived with Nina in the sorority house and in Chicago (she coined the "Damen Girls" phrase) and she is the bestest friend anybody could ask for. Above is a photo from Summer 2007 when the Damen Girls at that time (Ann, Nadia, Nina and Me) took a visit down to Carbondale to stay at her parents house.
She is currently residing in C-dale but we are still able to see her quite often including a recent trip to Seven Gables (aka Nina's parents house) a blog post recapping that weekend to come shortly.
Love you Neenah :-) and thanks for such a great weekend!
I have to make a note about her parents in this post as well. Nina learned all her host-est with the most-est tricks from her mom and dad who we like to call G & V (aka Greg & Vic). They are the nicest parents around (aside from my own of course :-) and always make our C-dale trips ones to remember! On top of memories we always leave with an extra 5lbs from all the great food, not kidding. This couple is one for the books in the kitchen, and they make cooking look so easy and enjoyable. Thanks G&V for all the hospitality! Aren't they the hottest most hip parents you've ever seen?

Simply put, they are both "SO FUN" :-)
im your favorite reader here!
Ohhh Jennah... you made me cry! Thank you so much for all of the kind words and I'm so grateful to have you as my best friend and truly a sister at heart! I think you are the bestest too!! AND...I'm so glad that Smalls has joined the family - you couldn't have found a better match! Lots of Love!!! xoxo
Um...what am I chop liver? I mean Petey (OMLF) and Nina (OMLR) are great, but I'll be expecting an ode to yours truly. Maybe OMLG (our most loyal gangsta)
Okay, now I want to blog. I never thought I would say that but I really do love reading what you girls are up to, and of course, I always have something I want to say about it. I guess that is why blogging was created. Duh?
Anyway, Greg and I have enjoyed every one of the girls' trips to Seven Gables. We always recap after you all leave and we always agree...you are fun to have. We have laughed harder, heard more "first time" stories, heard all the oldies but goodies, and enjoyed a continued friendship with our daughter's oldest and dearest friends. This year things were a bit different since there were boyfriends but not any less enjoyable...just different. Chris and Ian are great and we can wait til the next visit. I love it when people visit our home and feel at home. Remember what I said about future visits..boyfriends...husbands...
P.S. Thanks for posting a good pic. I'm sure Nina has told you no posting V pic's unless they are signed off on.
P.S.S. Thank you for the awesome gift. Not necessary but totally appreciated.
Love you.
Ann & Ian are def your OMLG's... Love it! And, again... G&V really coming thru with the comments!! :-)
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