Happy Birthday Nat!
It took awhile but I finally coordinated a date for lunch with Aimee and Natalie and it fell perfectly two days after Nat's 29th birthday! Since we were coming from three different directions we decided to meet up at Cheesecake Factory at Woodfield Mall on a lovely Saturday afternoon.
Of course the wait was ridic but since it was SO nice out we didn't mind the 40min wait since we could hang, chit chat and fawn over Mia outside in the nice weather!
Rebecca had been like myself trying to coordinate a meet up date with Aimee and Nat so she met up with us too! These girls are busy! Well I guess they are both married, Nat just late last year (see my earlier post in Nov 2008 regarding her wedding) and Aimee is a busy, working mom to a one year old! So it's more than difficult to snag a day to meet up.
It was lil Mia's first bday a few weeks earlier, a Valentine's baby to be exact. That day should treat her right in the years down the road :-)
Here is Mia below with her two "aunties."
She wanted to walk around the booth and say hi to each of us!

Mia was soooo good the entire time! I was shocked and thought she'd get restless but she was like one of the girls and even would die laughing when we were all laughing about something, it was hilarious!! Here she is below opening her birthday gifts from Aunt Nat and reading her new book. I love the smirk on Mia's face, it's as if she's thinking to herself "OH GREAT, a book! No toys?? WTF." NO offense to Nat's gift, b/c she did in fact get some toy outta that gift bag!
Happy Birthday Nat & Mia :-)