On our way to the airport to head back to Chicago we had to stop at In-N-Out my FAVORITE that I can only get in Vegas and California. Open one in Chicago for cryin' out loud!

I know it seems I am visiting California a lot....I went in September with Chris, December with the family and I just got back yesterday visiting my Grandma and Aunt Diane with my Dad. But the flights were cheap so we thought we'd take advantage!
Grandma's good! We got in on Saturday and landed back in Chicago Thursday night. It was a nice, VERY laid back relaxing week. We ate a lot of bagels, drank a lot of coffee and tea, watched a couple movies, I got a pedicure, we visited my grandparents house they used to live in, ate sushi one night, got cold stone creamery, ate a lot of Ben&Jerry's creme brulee ice cream (which I'm not a big ice cream eater but this is the best!), cooked in a lot, sat outside a bit relaxing, talked a lot and I got my aunt and grandma into the Bachelor. Lucky for them they only had to subject themselves to the finale and After the Final Rose - but they were hooked!! haha....
Was a great visit and I'm sure we'll be back again soon since the flights are so reasonable these days.
Here's a pic of Grandma in front of her house she used to live in in Escondido. One of our outings for the day. I told her to ring the bell so we could go in and see the house again but we chickened out. She wishes she still lived there....